Michèle TASSI is italian and was born in South of France. From an early age she embraced drawing and writing.
Upon her arrival in Paris, she begins university studies of Contemporary Literature and Cinema and practices professionally in cinema, television, advertising.
While pursuing at intervals these activities, she makes a commitment in a more personal artistic approach: sculptor, painter, plastic artist.

She attends drawing classes of the city of Paris, art history classes of “L’Ecole du Louvre”, takes photography classes (black and white pictures with the photograph Georges Fèvre-Pectoral).
She leaves a few months for French Polynesia, she experiments painting on masks (acrylic).
On her return in Paris she starts a new way of canvas painting, oil and acrylic. At the same time, she develops another mode of expression: the poetic writing.
She meets the sculptor Alberto Carlinski, the pupil of Zadkine, and works in her workshop on the discovery of volumes. She begins her sculptor work.
The Brazilian sculptor Jaildo Marinho helps her to discover other materials. He introduces her to arc welding.
in 1990, she shows her work at the exhibition “Salon d’Automne" in the Grand Palais in Paris.
In 1991 she participates in the international collective exhibition of the “Côte Fleurie – 31 Salon des Léopards”, in Touque, Normandie.
Meeting then with the painter Christian Zeimert, this one is determining. She joins in the regional artistic academy of the painter, gives up sculpture and takes back painting.
Discovery of a new technique, which she will develop in her figurative serie on the city " Metaphor of the silence " inspired by a journey in New York.
The meeting with the artists : Paco Puyuelo (sculptor), Alain Nahum (film director and plastic artist photographer, Roland Buraud (painter), punctuates her work of artist.
Other themes, other techniques, other medias are afterward also approached: mixed techniques on canvas, abstract painting, ink on paper.
For several months, her friendship with the painter Roland Buraud will allow her to share at the same time his art studio and to exchange with him diverse evolutionary artistic points of view for her artistic personnel research.